15th European Research Conference
on Electromagnetic Interactions with Nucleons and Nuclei
Pre Conference Workshops: 29 October – 30 October 2023
Conference: 31 October – 4 November 2023
The conference on “Electromagnetic Interactions with Nucleons and Nuclei (EINN)” had been organised on Santorini and Milos Islands in Greece every other year since 1995. In 2011 its location was successfully moved to Paphos, Cyprus. The conference series covers experimental and theoretical topics in the areas of nuclear and hadronic physics. It also serves as a forum for contacts and discussions of current and future developments in our field. The conference has unofficially been a counterpart of the US Gordon conference on photo nuclear physics and held in alternate years with traditionally a strong US participation. No proceedings will be produced, in the tradition of Gordon and Euro Conferences, in order to encourage the frank exchange of even tentative information. The pre-conference is organised by young physicists and focuses on skill and career development as well as research. Further, a series of pedagogical lectures will take place on the day before the conference.
April 19, 2023: The Indico paltform is now open
There will be TWO workshops held in parallel.
Accommodation Alert
It has come to our attention that many participants receive unsolicited emails from entities that misrepresent themselves as conference agents and encourage participants to book accommodation through them. Please note that the official organizing company that deals with conference accommodation is EasyConferences.
In case of any such incidences, please ignore these emails and forward to us at info@easyconferences.eu so that we may handle accordingly.
Preconference: 29-30 October 2023 (click here for the preconference event website)
Frontiers and Careers in Photonuclear Physics – skill development and talks for students
Main conference: 31 October – 04 November 2023
Conference Topics
- Nucleon form factors and low-energy hadron structure
- Partonic structure of nucleons and nuclei
- Precision electroweak physics and new physics searches
- Meson structure
- Baryon and light-meson spectroscopy
- Nuclear effects and few-body physics
- QCD at the EIC: Experimental Opportunities and Detector Challenges
- QCD analysis of nucleon structure
Poster Session
On Tuesday 31st October a poster session has been organized . There will be an “EPS Poster Prize” for the three best posters, which will also be promoted for a plenary talk at the conference. The European Physical Society sponsors the poster prizes.
- The Poster Session with wine and cheese will be held at a location which will be anounced the week before the conference. Each poster will be allocated a number and will have to be posted on the poster board of the same number.
- Posters will have to be put up before the start of the poster session. Poster presenters will need to be present and near their poster during the poster session.
- Posters sould be taken down at the end of the day. Posters not taken down at the end of the day will be recycled.
- Posters should be prepared in an A0 size, portrait orientated.
- A Poster Printing service is available through the registration system for a fee of 30.00 euro. This includes printing on high quality paper and delivery onsite.
Sponsors and Supporters

Support is acknowledged from the project EXCELLENCE/0421/0043 “3D-Nucleon,” co- financed by the European Regional Development Fund and the Republic of Cyprus through the Research and Innovation Foundation